Friday, February 7, 2014

Progress 02-07-2014

So after sulking for a few days about the untimely death of my car's engine I've started working a bit more earnestly again on the project.

Firstly I've started a bit of work on prototyping the between shifts / main menu level "scene" aka your apartment. I've decided I wanted a 3D menu to go in hand with the basic settings menu that you can reach any time as a bit of filler / diversion between working. Right now it is just a basic ugly textured box with shapes that kind of look like a bed, door, closet, etc. However I want to give parts of it functions like going to the door lets you choose to go to work or playing with knobs on the stereo lets you change the game's volumes.

Standing outside of store with a test texture to see orientation.

I've also got checkout working though it is still buggy and I need to really work on making customers stand in line nicely / move up in line. Also I'm not sure if my prototype of the checkout process is how I want it so I might change how checking out works for the player. Right now it is completely automated when you or another employee stands at a register.

Lastly I've been working on setting up more parts of the customers trip through the store. They now spawn at exitLevel triggers outside of the front of the store, go about finding 3~12 items, head to the very back of the line, if an employee is checking out they head to the register 1 by 1 and buy items, then they leave and disappear from the magic void of where they came.

Since now I have a full cycle for customers I can now start working more on customer interaction such as the checkout process, let you stop them in the middle of their wanders to suggest they get more stuff, and start adding up customer metrics. Also I'll be adding a sort of level timer so that customer flow varies based on the time so that I can start setting up patterns and allow for opening and closing the store to happen.

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